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Working with Medically Unexplained Symptoms (MUS): It's not all in your head
Introduction to Medically Unexplained Symptoms
Course outline and tutor introduction (2:59)
The burden of MUS (4:05)
What are MUS? (4:18)
MUS explanations
Emotional drivers and pain pathways (7:10)
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) (9:20)
Emotional dysregulation (5:52)
Repression and symptoms (2:30)
Attachment trauma (2:06)
Symptoms as signals (2:17)
Anxiety assessment
Three anxiety pathways explained experientially (7:47)
How MUS develop
Theory of MUS development (6:56)
Skill-building exercise 1 - Differentiating anxiety from a feeling (3:09)
Skill-building exercise 2 - Differentiating the event from feelings (2:02)
Skill-building exercise 3 - Addressing denial to reveal underlying feelings (1:46)
Skill-building exercise 4 - Exploring emotions when emotions are expressed (4:51)
MUS assessment approach
Overall approach (6:10)
10-point approach (6:48)
Emotional palpation (2:44)
Deliberate practice, skill building and role play examples
Introduction to deliberate practice exercises and role plays (1:23)
Deliberate Practice 1: Collect data on points 1-8 (10:10)
Deliberate Practice 2: Emotional Palpation (11:30)
Deliberate Practice 3: Making a Mind-Body Link (3:03)
Role play 1 Example: Back pain (11:16)
Role play 2 Example: IBS (12:26)
Role play 3 Example: blurred vision (9:30)
MUS treatment approaches
Treatment approaches and mechanisms of healing (7:11)
Basic treatment approaches (11:25)
Post test
Test your skills (0:34)
Downloadable Worksheets for MUS Skill Building Pack
Video Examples of Physician/Patient MUS discussions (actors)
Case Details
History & Physical Assessment (3:18)
Feeding back negative test results (5:30)
Emotional Palpation (2:31)
Giving out Homework (3:49)
Deliberate Practice 2: Emotional Palpation
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